Why You Should Keep Fighting for Your Dreams

“OMG, these setbacks make me want to quit!” How many times in life have you been doing something fun, something you were passionate about only to hit an obstacle and want to give up completely? Did you give up? Are you stuck in a cycle of obstacles and wanting to throw in the towel?

I recently had a client come to me with this uncertainty about her business. She wasn’t sure about the future of her business and didn’t know how to get clarity on whether or not it was truly time to throw in the towel. When we face obstacles that seem to block us from our soul’s purpose, it feels devastating and makes it nearly impossible to listen to our own intuition about how to move forward. The voice of fear gets so loud that it drowns out our life mission and all kinds of insecurities arise about following our soul’s path.

So I suggested that we try doing an Intuitively Guided Business Strategy Session together. To prepare for the session I intuitively tuned into the energy of her business and worked with a variety of oracle decks to help her gain clarity on the future of her business. Then, we came together and I shared with her the energetic insights into her business. We talked about the things she needs to pay attention to, what she brings to the table, what she needed to focus on, how to be receptive to inspiration, and how to tap into creative energy for her business. 

One of the things that we discovered was that her business was lacking a mission. Without a mission, it’s easy to let those overwhelming feelings of failure set in because you don’t have your mission there to remind you why it is that you do what you do. Since then we’ve worked together to help her discover her mission so that she can stand in her power when those setbacks arise.

I love offering this support because I know all too well what it’s like to want to give up on everything I’ve worked so hard for. I’ve hit some pretty low lows where I’ve questioned everything and wondered why I keep trying when things seemed so bleak. This was really loud for me in 2019 and 2020.

In 2019, I faced one of the lowest lows I ever had to face in my business. Everything seemed like an uphill battle, nothing seemed to be working right. My debt was mounting and it became increasingly difficult to pay my bills, make sure my basic needs were met, and just survive. I felt devastated, I had already been in business for 6 years and questioned why so many years in I still wasn’t successful. It really made me question whether being a healer really was my purpose and if I was really meant to continue my work.

That year, I was forced to downsize my business in order to stay afloat. I made that decision because deep down inside me I knew that what I do is my soul’s path. Luckily my business was able to begin recovering. Then, less than a year later the pandemic hit and I had a huge “WHAT THE FUCK?!” moment with the Universe. I remember telling the Universe, “Seriously, I fought so hard, and now this?”

Fast forward to now and I look back at that time and see it as a gift. If I hadn’t downsized at exactly the time that I did, there’s no way Nirvana Healing Center would have survived the pandemic. Not only did NHC survive, but in the end, we thrived and have come out of that shutdown period stronger than ever. It turns out that the setback of downsizing was actually the Universe’s gift so that I could finally thrive in my business.

I wish someone had told me then what I know now. I wish I had someone in my corner with me telling me it was going to be worth it and encouraging me to stay on my soul’s path. I wish I had someone who believed in me the way that I’ve learned to believe in myself. This is why I made the decision to start supporting other business owners too.

I see so many people give up on their hopes and dreams right before jumping over that obstacle to their next level of success. If you’re in that place where obstacles keep coming up and you keep wanting to give up on following your soul’s path, I want you to know that it’s all worth it and to keep fighting because chances are you’re facing the hurdle you need to overcome to reach that next level of success.

And if you need help getting over those hurdles, figuring out exactly what’s blocking you and the next steps you need to take, I’m here for that too. If that’s you, I invite you to book a call with me and we can chat about the next steps!

With love and light,

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